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Monday Night NFL FREEBIE


If you survived NFL Wild Card Weekend, well this is the night cap or cherry on top. Round 3 Cards vs Rams.. Kyler vs Stafford . Win & head to Lambeau or Tampa?? Maybe, ECSI currently doesn’t have the winners at print, but we are not assuming anything!!!!

Cardinals 1-1 vs the Rams this year , winning at Sofi 37-20 on October 3rd. Rams returned the favor at the Desert 30-23 December 13th. Two evenly matched teams who know each other very well. Rams blew a huge opportunity last Sunday with there loss to the 49ers, blowing 17-0 lead, which with a win, would have secured a #2 seed!!!

With all the build up, what really grabs are eyes at Pinnacle is this!!!! Cardinals scored 37 points game 1, 23 the second. Cardinals are 7-1 straight up on the road, there only loss at the Lions. Now the carrot … Every shop , casino & book has different numbers, we are using PINNACLE, at print!!!

815pm. Cardinals Team Total UNDER 23.5.. if your shop has 23, even 22.5 or 21.5, numbers are saying YES, but if you have ANY questions, send ECSI an email.

Now the ECSI State of the Union… 1 game, week or month makes a Sports Service!!! What makes one?? 7 years of Public Service, 40+ years in the Sports Gaming Business. #1 ranked Sports Investors according to Google 1st page, PLEASE SEARCH for yourselves!!!! What ECSI looks for is LONGTERM commitment, people that understand it’s a daily grind, a marathon, NOT a SCRATCH Ticket or Instant gratification, WE ARE not your ACTION Service either!!! 1-3 games a day delivered, with days OFF.. if this is NOT for you

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Jeff Dawson


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